Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Culture Of Los Angeles - 1275 Words

The cultural climate of Los Angeles in the late 1970s set the stage for a groundbreaking music scene that fused punk, country, and rock and roll. The plethora of clubs and dive bars in Hollywood meant that something was going on every night. As a result, the city became an incubator for influential and iconic bands including X, the Blasters, Los Lobos, the Germs, and the Bags. A three-dollar cover at the Whiskey A Go Go could get scenesters in to see shows ranging from the Sex Pistols to Patti Smith, or they could drive over to the legendary Palomino Club in North Hollywood to see Jerry Lee Lewis or Loretta Lynn mixed in with an occasional appearance by Elvis Costello or Neil Young. Eventually, both genres would consistently cross over into one another. While the New York punk scene was influenced by the convergence of the fringe culture of the downtown New York art community, the LA punk scene was identified by its mix of musical genres, which even included country. â€Å"We didnâ €™t think any of us would be around, creatively, or otherwise, in two or three years, so we didn’t take any of this shit seriously,† said John Doe, lead singer of the band X. The songs and the scene were intended to create a backlash against the saccharine pop culture and corporate bands of the time. The Love Boat and Fantasy Island filled TV schedules and early seventies music was dominated by bands that began to focus more on over-the-top stadium shows, cocaine, limousines, and groupie culture. TheShow MoreRelatedMusic And Culture Of Los Angeles2131 Words   |  9 PagesAt the beginning of the twenty-first century, popular music and culture became significant influences on the lives of many individuals within the city of Los Angeles. 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