Thursday, May 14, 2020

Digital Immigrants Essay - 1774 Words

Technology has advanced incredibly throughout the years, ranging from but not limited to, medical equipment, mobile devices, computers, internet services and content, science equipment, and much more. The world of technology is changing and evolving rapidly before our eyes, but technology hasn’t always been as advanced as it is today and not everyone got the opportunity to grow up learning this new technology as it became available, thus resulting in our society being divided into two categories, ‘Digital Natives’ and ‘Digital Immigrants’. Although many individuals see this advancing technology as being beneficial, others also argue that it is causing problems. However, they are not wrong, because both ‘Digital Natives’ and Digital†¦show more content†¦Whereas today cellphones have evolved into smartphones, which have almost endless features such as, cameras, capability to stream music and videos, wide variety of apps, access to the internet, calculator, and a calendar to name a few. The internet is another technology that has come a long way, starting out as dial-up that was connected to the user’s home phone service, which only allowed the user to either be on the internet or on the phone, but never at the same time. Today’s internet is not required to be connected to the user’s home phone service anymore and is much faster at connecting and loading content. There is even an option to have Wi-Fi, which allows the user to connect their smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, televisions, gaming consoles, and any device that is Wi-Fi compatible, wirelessly to the internet. Technology has advanced in many other way, these are just to name a few of them. A ‘Digital Native’ is defined as an individual who was born after the introduction of digital technology. As Brian Keith Sullivan, the author of â€Å"Are you a Digital Native or a Digital Immigrant?’, describes à ¢â‚¬Å"Digital Natives use online services like Facebook, YouTube, Hulu, and Twitter on various digital technologies, such as smartphones or a tablet device. Digital Natives have blended their online life with their offline life.† There are three sub-categories for a ‘Digital Native’ to fall into,Show MoreRelatedDigital Immigrants, Digital Natives: Myth or Reality? Essay1040 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Firstly recorded in the report of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) survey in 1995, (Servon, 2002), the term Digital Divide presents an interesting quandary of information and communication technologies (ICT) disparities among countries in the world, especially between developed and developing countries. 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